Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Too Travel

south america, europe, england, what a traveling bunch. that means pictures!!! everyone bring those cameras and remember you can post to the blog from internet cafes. beth and i will be in san francisco for valentines day, then in early april will travel to new orleans. six years ago i had no interest in traveling anywhere. i was more interested in having a home large enough to house anyone who wanted to visit. very much like the home in tuscany, from a movie i can't remember the title to, that that had multiple visitors. it may be that i want both now. i enjoy the long dinner, with interesting conversations, and the feelings that come with being immersed in conversations that make you forget time. i am learning from each trip what it is like to travel again. when to look through the lenses of a camera and when to just be with out working at being some place. i am glad that beth and i both like to wander, discovering as we go along what is there rather than looking for what should be there. i appreciate that when we can do that. to all of the travelers and travelers to be, please share your experiences here, it will be appreciated.

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