Saturday, February 28, 2004

Mystic River

Beth and I saw Mystic River today. I am still feeling the tension created toward the end of the movie. That feeling that we can foresee something tragic about to happen and sit helplessly while it unfolds. That violence can't be rethought, retracted, or undone. That often in hindsight perspective is altered in ways that cause regret; intractable, irrepairable harm.
I am sorry to hear that Sam is struggling. He is a "good dog" in ways that only a dog can be. My best wishes to Sam's recovery.
Rob that struck me also about Spellbound. Those things said without question. Those "truths" that go unexamined.

"The absolute value of love makes life worth while, and so makes Man's strange and difficult situation acceptable."
- Arnold Toynbee

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