Thursday, September 06, 2007

Today was the first time since school started that I was able to enjoy a bike ride up in Turnbull. I was able to tour ground zero of the now infamous Turnbull Canyon blaze of '07 (okay, it wasn't that big of a deal) and I was also able to catch some wildlife that I rarely see.

Behold, a scorpion (I think this is the family that I found). It was by complete luck that I saw it, my tire narrowly missed squishing it into the tire-tracked, powdery, parched Earth along the service road that I consider a bike trail.
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In the sun, it appeared to have a purple back with white limbs, and it's exoskeleton glistened like plastic, and also did not move in the slightest, which made me skeptical that this was indeed a real scorpion. So, after sufficient prodding with a twig, I was convinced that it was indeed a real scorpion, so I slipped it into a baggy I had in my pocket.
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I want to find someone who will make it into one of those belt-buckles. Anyone know of someone?
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  1. Good pictures! I especially like the last one with your byline on the Titan paper.

  2. I haven't even seen any mountain lions on my rides this year, let alone scorpions. I've seen about 10 deer, though.

  3. Yeah, this was the most exciting thing this summer. I've seen tarantulas before up in the hills, (both dead, one squished) coyotes, roadrunners, much smaller scorpions, and deer. 0 rattlesnakes this year after seeing a bunch last year. Might be due to the drought, or increased human traffic in the hills.

    Glad I haven't seen any mountain lions though! Yikes! Give me a rattler any day, but no big cats that can run 40 mph.
