Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Bloog in general

I agree with Rob that the Bloog site seems less user friendly but maybe I'll get used to it soon. I was finally able to print up a receipt for the trip. (This not on the bloog ) They kept dumping me out saying I could try later. I kept putting my pass word in and my secret code and also put a new one in, then when I would click on that they said I was already a member. I finally admitted that I forgot my secret code and they sent it to me via e-mail and I realized how it got there. Thanks Steve. I've been collecting names of places that we just must see from different groups of friends. The Willows has come up from every group. It's a restaurant and has been there since before the 50's. Will sent things on as they become clear or any of you can send suggestions of places to visit.

The most important place is the Pearl Harbor Memorial then the Polynesian Cultural Center.


  1. Did Google do something about the double o when they bought Blog? ;-)

  2. Let Beth and I know about what you are wanting to do. I think that the best night for the Polynesian Cultural Center is Tuesday. It should be less crowded that night. We can get tickets online in advance if we can figure out what night is best for us and what level of tickets we want to purchase. The Center has a very user friendly interface and explains all the different ticket packages. Let us know if you see one that appeals to you. I will post or e-mail some of the sights I have been finding.
