Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Since no one is blogging...

Cancelling one's Myspace® account is as easy as 1-2-3... 4...5! In all, after clicking on "cancel my account" in the account preferences screen...
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
...I was asked again four more times to verify if I truly wanted to cancel my precious myspace account.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
In one step, I was asked to leave feedback in a text box describing my reasons for leaving myspace, to which I offered that myspace was once a unique, low-key medium of communication, and has now become a perverse venue for advertising and identity theft. (Not to mention the false, vague sense of belonging that comes from such immediate, yet impersonal interaction that myspace has blighted upon my generation).
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Then a confirmation email was sent to my email address, asking me to again confirm that I wished to delete my account, after which, I was informed that my account would be gone "within 48 hours." Jeepers!

I've registered to vote, signed up for and cancelled credit cards in far fewer steps, and it may indeed be easier to obtain "legal" resident status in this country than it is to do away with an existing myspace account. Speaking of which, there is a May Day rally with your name on it somewhere in your town!


  1. hmm. Maybe I should cancel my precious MySpace account, as my experience with it has deteriorated into perverse advertising, and theft of identities. But, alas, no time for that now. I have to go register to vote, apply of citizenship in my country of choice, and get dressed for my May Day celebration of choice.

  2. Testing to see if I can log in and post.

  3. O.K. I got it now. I have a MySpace that I created with incorrect info. I have been asked to be "friends" with two new people this week. it is kind of creepy knowing especially that I could impersonate my 20 something year old alster ego on MySpace and no one would be the wiser.

  4. My Space. Went there once to see what a prospective home school high school student had to say. I later went to meet her for the first time, and knew who I was looking for in a room full of strangers. It was a helpful reference tool that one time. I won't look for you there anymore, Rob. [Never did.]
