Monday, October 17, 2005

Career Choices

Rob says we aren't blogging much. So this is what the survey at says about my carreer choice.

Glen, based on your responses, your top career area is Business Relations

Careers in this field often demand that you possess keen observational skills and shrewd thinking. Being successful in this area involves anticipating your opponent's goals and client's needs. Most likely, you enjoy the challenge of quick thinking and taking calculated risks.


  1. I can only blog so many pictures of Brianna before it becomes redundant.
    Sounds like a job description that fits.

  2. I always have trouble finding a place to write a blog so I just have to make a comment on the last entry. What am I doing wrong?

    I just wanted you all to know about my rain totals.10/18 was 1.58" which makes 2,83" for this season. Daily news says .82" for the Whittier area.
