Saturday, April 02, 2005

Whittier Celebrates Quarter Century of Dave

We went to the Uptown Mexican Café for dinner with Dave. It is a tradition there that they sing to the birthday person with the accompaniment of banging pans, a toy accordion, and funny hats. I use the term "sing" rather loosely, but let me add that loud was a high vocal value.

Then, we came to our house. Grandma sure seems proud of the big grandsons!


And, to demonstrate that we gave the old man, aka Dave, his rightful due, here he is eating cake.


There are some other photos taken with Grandma Pete's film camera. We'll see if any of those get posted here.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting the pictures so quickly. I'm beginning to feel like ky Mother who was so short compared to the next generations.
