This afternoon I have an appointment with a dermatologist. I have had a peculiar patch of skin on the side of my nose that has become a little more peculiar recently. Mom looked at it and said I should go directly to the doctor. I asked if I should see my general practitioner or a dermatologist; she said the dermatologist because the gp wouldn’t know what to do.
This conversation happened at church, and our friend Lee joined in and suggested his dermatologist, Dr. King.
So, I looked up Dr. King, dermatologist in the phone book. Funny thing, his first name is Don. (This explains the “funny hair” comment above. If you have to ask, go ahead and ask.)
I call the number and tried to explain why I was calling. She asked an interesting question: “What kind of medical procedure do you need?” I hesitated. The question seemed kind of odd. I guess I should have looked at their catalog before I called. The only response I could think of is completely true even as it felt somewhat sarcastic: “I don’t know, that’s why I need to see the doctor.”
Perhaps I should have asked for a purple, blue or green pill—that’s what the commercials say I should ask about when I go to the doctor. Or, maybe if I know what procedure I need, I could save some money, just rent the tools, go in and do the procedure myself.
We’ll see what happens. Mom started talking about skin grafts and biopsy and pathology—I asked her to hold that conversation for later, I might lose my nerve and not go if I know too much of what will happen there.
If I can still sit upright and use my fingers, I’ll blog about it tonight. Pictures anyone?