Friday, June 16, 2006

Manuscript Submitted

I mailed a manuscript to a children's publisher for the first time yesterday. I sent my manuscript, "The Bouncing Booger," based on a true event from my days in the 4th grade classroom, to Hyperion Children's Books in New York. An editor from Hyperion presented at a Writers' Day event that I attended in April. She said Hyperion only looks at work submitted from agents, but she offered us as attendees and members of SCBWI (Society of Children's Book Writers & Illustrators) the opportunity to mail her one manuscript within two-months of Writers' Day. So, I made the deadline. I revised and revised and revised my manuscript and broke through a personal wall and mailed it to the editor. I anticipate rejection. Well, I anticipate never hearing anything about it. That is the norm. I am just pleased to have sent it out in the world, instead of holding it safely at home with no fear of rejection (and no chance of progress!). A friend suggested the teacher's name in the story..."Ms. Sacamoco." That means something like pick your nose in Spanish. Perfect! Well, if you are not totally disgusted by this time, share my joy in this next step!


  1. Good for you. Hope you get a positive response.

  2. it's weird that we have those personal walls that encumber us. college is behind a wall for me. more fittingly, college might actually be the wall. that is, metaphorically.

  3. Yes, the the hedge in "Over the Hedge?" Not an exact parallel, but some emotional similarity.

  4. Hope to hear soon that you are an author

  5. Hope to see you as an author soon

  6. I hope to see you as an author soon.

  7. Hope to hear soon that you are an author
