Tuesday, August 09, 2011

O.K. So my best story involves going to dinner in a restaurant that thinks that I care whether or not the napkin they provide for me coordinates with my pants/skirt (black for black or dark colors, white for light colors...the nightmare of lint...). This issue pales when confronted with the Facebook page, "You Know You Grew Up in Whittier if..." My new obsession...Henshaws, Rubis, Mrs. Butterfield at East Whittier, Beach Blvd., I can't get enough. I admit it here and right now. Do not judge me too harshly since my sister has posted on the above mentioned Facebook page, too...and she is SO much better than I will ever be.

1 comment:

  1. Well I guess it's time to start reporting on the rain fall in Whittier. Last night we had a little sprinkle in the evening then about 4AM had thunder but no measurable rain fall here either time. Stay tuned!!
