Monday, January 16, 2006

Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday

I reflected today on how I've worked in the past year to solve conflict in peaceful ways and how I've sought ways to understand the minority experience with compassion and understanding. I was also challenged within to continue to pursue peace in my world and promote racial reconciliation day-to-day. I think in the year ahead I'll continue to learn from friends who have encountered a different side of life, read Uncle Tom's Cabin for the first time, learn more about something called the "Justice Journey," and maybe get to visit the underground railroad museum in Cincinnati someday soon. If I don't consider how I can work for justice with purpose, it will elude me. I also want to stand up to others that make racist stereotyped comments or jokes in my presence. As I reflect on what I respect about the work of Martin Luther King, Jr., I know I have more to learn.

We saw "Glory Road" movie over the weekend. I enjoyed the story so much. Many have said it is just another "Remember the Titans" (which I did not see), but I found it encouraging, entertaining, and enlightening. It is a story about a coach who recruited and played black basketball players for a college team back in the '60s and all the problems that created. The coach and the team went on to victory on a variety of levels and opened the doors of opportunity. During the credits, I enjoyed the headshots of the actual players the movie was about as they gave their comments about the time, including Pat Riley (former Laker coach). That was also very interesting.

1 comment:

  1. Very thoughtful post. John Perkins is one of my favorite authors on the topid of reconcilliation. Some of his books are just outside your office.

    I am glad too that you are seeking non-violent ways to deal with conflict.
