Left Minneapolis at 7:01 on Sunday morning and landed at LAX about 9:00am, in time to get to church and nap. I attended the Creative Memories annual convention Wednesday - Saturday night. It is always a top notch event and makes me proud to be a part of it. Of course, it takes all kinds of consultants to make the world do albums. Someone actually wore the new PJs she bought at the convention for the awards program...which is semi-formal. She proudly marched across stage for recognition of achieving leadership.
Lots of great, new products were announced for completing albums and organizing years and years of photos. CM is commited to making it easier all the time. I really enjoy helping others get rid of the guilt of envelopes of unidentified, unorganized photos. I had fun with my colleagues, too. I attended four breakout sessions and got some excellent training to continue building my business. The top person in the company --- top consultant ---earns an average monthly commission of $30,000 --- a month! One leadership level below her (the level my "upline" is) earns an average of $180,000/year. The levels are consultant (where I am now), senior consultant (3 in your first line...I have 2), unit leader (where I was a year ago and plan to return in time to attend the Leadership Conference in November...6 in first line), Senior Unit Leader, Director, Senior Director, Executive Director, and Sr. Exec. Director. I want to become a Director by 2010.
I got a CM website now, too. Please visit: www.creativememories.com/cindipeterson
I'm sleepy today. Can't wait to try the new PowerSort system to get some boxes of photos in order and stored in an organized, photo-safe box. I enjoy business travel like this convention. I traveled once a month when I was Public Relations Manager before teaching. So, CM gives me a taste of that again. Glad to be home, too.
Nice site. Very friendly. Thanks for sharing. Talk about boxes of picture and disorganization. Months of work in this house between Beth's and my photos.