Sunday, December 10, 2006

Christmas Gifting

This year no one has mentioned applying a consistent method to family gift-giving. For information purposes, I am announcing that Steve and I will be gifting family members either as individulas or as part of a group, depending on our mood, time contraints, and opportunity. Nothing will be expensive, most things will be disposable, or able to be used up, or based on whatever else we choose. We look forward to spending time with you all at Christmas more than any thing else.


  1. It is my understanding that Cindi and I are taking the same approach this year. I will ask her to chime in for confirmation.

  2. Thanks Beth. I thought this was the year we were all giving symbolic gifts designed to match each family member's sense of humor. Disposable gifts sound much better.

  3. Thanks Beth. I thought this was the year we were all giving symbolic gifts designed to match each family member's sense of humor. disposable gifts sounds much better.

  4. Thanks Beth, I thought this was the year we were all giving symbolic gifts designed to match each family member's sense of humor. Disposable gifts sounds much better.

  5. I here an echo, Steve.

    And Glen, when I read Beth's blog I thought to myself, Hmmmm. That is exactly our own inexact approach and philosophy this year. Being together is a grand gift. It's the thought that counts and all that. Gifting just needs to be fun at least and possibly meaningful or I'm not playing. So, Glen, I confirm and concur.
